Estimator Joe Crawford
When requesting a free estimate on your driveway, an estimator will contact you to set up an appointment to meet with you. When meeting with the estimator, you should explain exactly what you are interested in. The estimator will make a rough sketch and take all necessary notes and measurements on your specific project.
If you are not sure about something that has to do with your project, don’t be afraid to ask our estimator questions. Here are a few things that the estimator will ask about and be looking for when he arrives for your appointment:
Water should not stand on or next to the driveway area. Water can seep underneath the driveway, weakening the soil or causing frost heaving – both can undermine the base and cause cracking in the asphalt surface.

Estimator Ben Rowsey
The base of an asphalt driveway is one of the most important factors for a crack-resistant surface. Preparation can be the difference between a good job and a bad one. If you receive a low bid for your project, the contractor may not have priced your project with a good base. Proper preparation may involve removing top soil, compacting the sub-base, the addition of base stone to a to a thickness determined by your existing soil, and then proper compaction of base materials.
Weight Considerations
Our estimator will ask questions to determine what weight the surface will be expected to handle. There are differences in preparing a walking path vs. a road base that will carry semi-trucks. Consider the weight of the heaviest vehicle, farm equipment, heavy-duty company trucks, etc. Be sure to let the estimator know all the future uses your surface may have to endure.
Our estimator will take the time to provide you with any necessary information, and answer all questions about your project. The estimator will send your estimate out to you by your delivery preference – Mail or email. We will follow up with a phone call a few days after the estimate is sent to make sure that you have received the estimate and to see if you have any questions.